Monday, November 24, 2014

Urgent Need

Jonathan is a 13 year old boy living in China waiting and pleading for a family.  Kids should not have to beg for a family.  

In China, when a child turns 14, they are no longer eligible to be adopted.  

Please join me in praying BIG that mountains will move and a family will step forward for him before he ages out in February!

See the info below on this fantastic kid, taken from The Urgent Twenty website:


Posted on Sep 24, 2014 by  in The Urgent Twenty |
Jonathan has until February 2015 for a family to come for him.
Jonathan is a sweet and smart boy who is hoping everyday for a family. Sadly, this wonderful kid only has a few months to find a family! When learning that his time was running out to be adopted, Jonathan pleaded “Please tell the families I can do everything. The other kids from here are younger, they can wait, but I can’t wait! I want to go the US!”
He is physically healthy after an esophageal fistula he was born with was repaired. He attends school and is a good student who is an assistant to his teachers. He acts as a leader among his peers. He loves to help others. Once when a friend at school passed away and his parents were grieving, Jonathan offered to be their son and take care of them as they aged.
Please help find a family for this great boy! There is a $10,000 subsidy to be applied toward his adoption through the agency he is listed with.
Please help us find a family for this great kid! Due to the short time before Jonathan turns 14, we are searching for a home study ready family. There is a $10,000 subsidy to be applied toward “Jonathan’s” adoption through WHFC.”
If you would like to know more about how to adopt Jonathan, please send me an e-mail.

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