Monday, March 31, 2014

Celebrating Sam

Six years ago today, this beautiful baby boy was born.

His due date was April 1st and it was going to be close. The doctor said we could let my labor take it's course and have an April Fools baby, or break my water and have a Red's Opening Day baby. Opening Day baby he was, born around 10:30pm!  And today, 6 years later, on Opening Day again, we celebrate our boy.

For 10 days, we had a newborn and a one year old.  And for the next 10 days now, we have a 6 and 7 year old.  I love that my boys are so close and I love how Sam loves his sisters.

This kid is the smiley-est person I know. He smiles with his whole face and makes us laugh all day long. He is radiant. He's kooky and silly. He has chocolate brown eyes that will make you melt. He's giving to a fault.  He is totally absent minded and super smart.  He is determined and intensely motivated.  He is JUST LIKE HIS FATHER in nearly every way.

Oh how I love this kid.  I just don't know how we got so lucky!


One year old!




5 years old

 crazy, crazy kid

And just keeping it real... I tried to sneak a final picture of him 
sleeping as a 5 year old and this is what I got....

The big 6!

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