In the last 3 weeks, the chaos has continued:
*We ventured out in one of the recent snows to the eye doctor for 2 of the kids. We were "in sight" (ha-ha) of the eye doctor's office when another car ricocheted into 3 other cars on the road, including mine. We were fine, thank goodness. But waiting for the police in the sub-zero temps was not fun. Plus we missed the eye appointment. Counting our blessings that we are no worse for the wear outside of another dent added to the collection on my aging van.
*I had my tonsils removed. One word on the recovery: TORTURE. Seriously the worse pain I've ever had for about a week, then another week to fully recovery. Really glad they are gone, though, after 30+ years of problems. Jeremy took a few days off and my parents helped every day for the following week.
Grandpa's in charge of homework.
It's no fun when Mommy can't pick me up.
Grandma had her hands full.
Housework took a backseat.
Lots of extra snuggle time with my babes.
Keeping them occupied.
Finally back on my feet!
*Coinciding with my surgery, the kids had no school at all that week due to snow and extreme cold. That was fun to recovery with loud kiddos bouncing off the walls. NOT.
MAJOR kudos to this guy, who took care of me & the munchkins, and kept it fun at the same time.
*Sam had an allergic reaction to ONE candy corn on an ice cream face he ate. Total parenting fail, we assumed they were egg-free as they always have been in the past. Within 20 minutes he had stomach cramps and diarrhea. Yep, he's still massively allergic to eggs.
*Maggie stuck a hairband up her nose and had to make a late-night trip to Urgent Care to have it removed. Then back to the doctor a few days later for another ear infection.
Our attempts to get it out ourselves did not go over well.
Looks like it's RIGHT THERE, but every time we stuck tweezers up there, it sucked up higher.
As stated in my previous post, Jeremy and I felt overdue for a dull moment! We finally got quite a few dull moments this weekend; we had Saturday & Sunday (including OVERNIGHT!) to ourselves while the kids were with grandparents. We treated ourselves to massages, a pedicure for me, some yummy food and a night in a hotel just the 2 of us. Yay for some much-needed R&R!
A HUGE thank you to our parents for helping out with the kids these past weeks through my recovery, appointments, and our time away. Really hoping for just some "regular" days coming up, but I'm not holding my breath! :)
(how Daddy does baths)
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